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Lovers themselves

 Lovers themselves
Categories: Great quotes

Lovers of themselves

There are people everywhere who love themselves in an unusual way... to the point of passion, to the point that I think they would exchange kisses with themselves if they found an idyllic place... I said in a previous article that I was amazed by a man asking for one hundred thousand pounds. The price of his car, which does not exceed thirty thousand in any case, or he wants to sell an apartment whose price does not exceed 200 thousand pounds for one million pounds.. Do not be surprised.. He loves himself intensely and finds it very natural for him to ask for this because he deserves it.. Why does he deserve it?.. Because he is him. .. One time I read a classified ad published by a divorced or widowed woman saying: “I want a husband who will support me and my son... and give me an apartment (ownership)... Please, I want someone to give me an apartment (ownership)... I want him to spend on me and my son and protect us. “And I want an apartment (ownership).” Did the lady give any promise? Is there a picture that proves that she deserves these sacrifices? Is she the richest woman in the world? Is she Miss Venezuela? So what is the justification and who is the guerrilla who does this just because she is? He does all this for a woman whose picture he has never seen and who has a son! The explanation is that she loves herself madly. She believes that she deserves everything. There are many examples in my mind. My little daughter returned from her school, cheerful and flushed, bringing us good news. The school is holding a party. BBQ on the farm next door. She handed me a piece of paper with the following note: “We are honored to invite you to the barbecue party held by the (Aini Ya Aini) school next Friday. The guardian must bring charcoal and barbecue tools with him. The price of participating in the ceremony is one hundred pounds. “Note: We ask that the guardian bring the meat with him!” I read the letter and began to clap hands.. What does the school offer then?.. Coal, meat, and a hundred pounds on you. What is the sacrifice in question?.. Is the idea that they are offering the place?.. Any place?.. They will make us sit in the field.. and the field does not belong to them. But my daughter was very excited about this wonderful thing. The nicest school in the universe, and of course if I refuse to participate in this “monument” party, I will be playing the role of the evil wolf in the children’s stories that you read.. I actually went to the party and grilled meat, and the funniest thing was that the teachers invited themselves to the meat that I bought for simplicity’s sake. And the circumstance, my daughter was very proud that her teachers shared food with us... I mean, if they collected a steak and two kofta fingers from every foolish father, they would have won a wonderful free feast. Is it a party? Of course it is a party of defrauding parents and collecting money from them. I remembered the trip that the same school took, and my daughter came back to tell me that they fed them in a famous “hamburger” place. They allowed them to eat as they wanted. This seemed to me to be excessive generosity, so I asked her who among the teachers paid the price, and she said: “We!” The bus stopped in front of the restaurant and they told us to enter, eat what we want, pay for it, and then return to them. They will wait for us! What generosity indeed.. Why does the school do this?.. Because it loves itself to the point of passion, as we said.. A friend of mine reminded me of that genius scene written by Lenin al-Ramli and performed by Sobhi in the play “Takharif,” when the dictator pledges to implement that part of Capitalism, which specializes in collecting money from people, then forgets the part about giving them services in return... collects taxes and does not pave the street... charges astronomical numbers in electricity bills, and despite this darkness prevails... and... and... the barbecue. This is a blatant repetition of what happens in American schools, but I do not think that Minnesota schools say to students: “Bring the meat with you.” It is therefore a mixture of American capitalism, lewdness, and banditry, such that the result is a featureless monster. Those who love themselves are meet them everywhere...starting with the girl who calls herself a “chick” on Facebook or email, and the young man who takes ten pictures of himself with his eyes closed dreaming, passing by the woman who asks for a free apartment because she is her, and the apartment. The area is the size of a table towel, and its owner demands the price of a palace for it, and ends up with a state that collects horrific taxes without services. First published on Saturday, September 28, 2013 by Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq
Categories: Great quotes
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